Pecha Kucha

Pecha Kucha is Japanese for "chit chat." It's a lightening talk, of 20 slides and 20 seconds per slide, forcing the presenter to give a short, concise talk. Originating in a Tokyo architecture firm, there are now over Pecha Kucha nights in over 1,000 cities across the globe, including here in Atlanta.
Since joining the Pecha Kucha team in 2015, I've become the de-facto project manager, keeping the rest of the planning committee on task and on deadline. But my true passion is working with the presenters on their talks. I love challenging them to make their talks authentic, creative, and compelling, to really leave an impression on the audience.
Sasha Friedman
I've spent most of my career presenting complex topics in front of large groups, but working with Amanda has helped me how to understand how to craft a story that weaves through a meaningful and powerful narrative, without having to rely on props or copious amounts of time. Her ability to walk me through the key components of a story, to pull out the pillars of each piece, has made me re-think how I compose and deliver presentations. She's able to pull away all of the unnecessary fluff and really get to the heart of the message quickly and efficiently. Not only will this make me a better storyteller outside of work, but in the office too. I'm so glad I've had the opportunity to work with her and learn more about this style of presentation!

Joe Labriola
Executive Director
Second Helpings
Using a PK style presentation format is an effective but radically different approach to telling your story in a succinct and compelling manner. Amanda's advice and counsel helped me completely transform the way I tell Second Helpings Atlanta's story and feedback from my Pecha Kucha presentation was overwhelmingly positive. Amanda is a subject matter expert and a supportive coaching partner. She's a pleasure to work with and has a wonderful sense of humor, which helped quiet my nervousness about using this new storytelling approach.

William McDonald
Tax Attorney
Amanda is a tremendously engaging coach. She takes a true interest in my topic and asks all the right questions. Her keen eye for the core moral message helps strengthen my presentation. My first PK night is shaping up to be a good one thanks to Amanda!